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There are so many other websites that have great information in them, I just don't have room to list them all!  I have included a few of my favorites here.



Great Commandment Ministries - This incredible ministry 'gets it' - they coined the phrase 'removing aloneness' which captures the essence of desire for all of us (both in our desire to remove others' aloneness and to have our own aloneness removed).  This site has various resources from books to radio programs to retreats.

Center for Relational Care - My wife and I have enjoyed receiving training directly from this wonderful team of dedicated professionals.  They specialize in providing care for crisis situations using a 5 day intensive format.

National Institute of Marriage - Short term, intensive marriage counseling is also provided by this group.  They also have a plethora of books and resources you can access from their website.

Prevention and Relational Enhancement Program - My wife and I teach marriage classes with materials from this group.  The tools they have developed through over 30 years of research and follow up have provided couples with documented higher levels of marital satisfaction.  Check it out! 

Dr. Cliff and Joyce Penner website - Passionate Commitment is what the Penners are all about.  Their website provides access to lots of great resources on sex.